
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Obama Approval Average at Record Low

More bad news for Dems in the run up to fall election!

See Real Clear Politics Obama Job Approval page for the latest polls which make up the current average.

This strong negative trend for Democrats is also matched by equally strong negatives in the Generic Congressional Ballot, Country right track/wrong track and Congressional Approval average.

All of the above are key factors which political scientists use to forecast future election victories based on how those factors influenced past elections. And while every election is unique, with it's own set of special circumstances, taking the measure of all these averages is the worst news Democrats could expect as we head into the 90 day countdown for the fall election.

Expect the negative gap in these averages to narrow as Democrats trot out the many millions they have squirreled away for attack ads on the GOP. But even if the gap narrows by half, it still presents Republicans with the possibility of an enormous victory this fall.

You can do your part to make that happen by supporting conservative candidates for federal office and by supporting the GOP committees whose job it is to coordinate the entire election campaign.

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