
Monday, September 27, 2010

Check Mike's America Twitter Feed for the Latest in Selected Headlines

Plus more changes in the latest ongoing facelift!

I've been sneaking a few changes into the overall appearance of the blog onto the page in the past few months. Regular readers have no doubt noticed, but I wish to draw everyone's attention to the changes.

First, the Twitter feed for Mike's America appears in the sidebar with my latest Twitter updates. I use it to post the latest selected headlines on important stories that deserve your attention but may not necessarily rank as a post on the main page. Also, if you follow my Twitter feed, you'll also get the latest updates to the main page.

I've also added links to of books I am currently reading, have recently reviewed or look forward to reading. The latest update is the addition of the eight volume biography of Winston S. Churchill, Volume 4: World in Torment, 1916-1922.
Click on the items in the sidebar to visit if you are interested in purchasing those books.

Of course the audio of favorite Reagan quotes, quips and speech excerpts remains in the sidebar. Play each audio clip by clicking on the appropriate number or play them all by clicking on the forward button on the player.

Keep Mike's America on the air!
Donate using GPal
Last, but certainly not least, is the donation button on the sidebar. Click on the "G -Donate Now" graphic above or on the sidebar and show your appreciation for this service. Many thanks to those who have already done so!

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