
Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Vote for ANY Democrat is a Vote for Obama, Reid and Pelosi!

Don't buy the ads where Dems promise to be different....this time!

In North Dakota, nine term Democrat Congressman Earl Pomeroy is running an ad called "Introduce" as if the voters in his district didn't know him by now. In the ad, Pomeroy huffs "I'm not Nancy Pelosi, I'm not Barack Obama, I'm Earl Pomeroy."

Yet according to the Washington Post congressional vote by party database, good ole independent Earl voted with Nancy Pelosi 97.5% of the time in 1514 votes in the 111th Congress. That includes Pomeroy's vote in favor of Obama Care.

Voters in North Dakota may have been fooled by Earl's homey performances before, but they're wise to the game now and can be expected to vote instead for state Rep. Rick Berg (R).

Why vote for a part time conservative when you can have the real deal?

In Georgia Ray McKinney (R) is running for the 12th Congressional District seat currently held by Democrat John Barrow who votes with Nancy Pelosi 94.4% of the time. Yet Barrow has the nerve to tell voters in his district he's conservative. This ad by Ray McKinney shows Barrow agreeing time after time with McKinney's position on the issues.

Like many Democrats, Barrow is only a conservative right before an election and reverts back to voting with the liberals just as soon as he gets re-elected.

Raese reminds WV voters who Manchin REALLY is!

In the Senate race in West Virginia, we're coming down to the wire in what looks to be one of the closest races this year. Joe Manchin, the popular Democrat Governor has taken a slight lead over John Raese (R) in the final weeks. In the following ad Raese reminds voters that no matter how much they like Manchin as Governor and despite his promises to be independent, if he gets to Washington he'll fall right in line with the Obama agenda. This ad, uses Manchin's own words that may come back to haunt him:

Don't be fooled. Democrat's voting records don't lie. Once in office, they'll do what Obama tells them to do!

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