
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Useful Idiot Believes Right Wing a Bigger Terrorist Threat than Radical Muslims?

The depth of left wing delusion is so deep it's scary!

Chairman Peter King of the Homeland Security Committee is holding hearings on the danger of radical Islam. Instead of deal honestly with the problem of radicalizing of Muslims, the left is again trying to change the subject.

Bill O'Reilly illustrated the problem in the Talking Points Memo on Tuesday's show by citing an example from a CNN interview with Mark Potok a professional left winger from the Southern Poverty Law Center:

POTOK: "our biggest domestic terror threat, that pretty clearly comes from the radical right in this country." And Christians are a bigger threat than Muslims? How many people have been murdered by Christians in the last ten years?

Useful idiots like Potok are the best friend that radical, Shariah loving Muslims ever had. And yet, that won't stop the radicals from imposing their extremist Shariah nightmare on the Potok's of this world. And if anyone deserves it, those useful idiots do!

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